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Renting in young workers' hostels: why opt for FJTs?

Young people with few resources often have difficulty finding accommodation, especially when they are just starting out in their professional careers. To remedy this situation, Habitats jeunes has been set up. Looking for a young workers' hostel? Here's some information to help you!

What are young workers' hostels?

Foyers de jeunes travailleurs, also known as FJT social residences or Habitats jeunes, are low-cost residences for young workers or apprentices in precarious situations. They can also be used by trainees or students looking for work.

Young workers' hostels include furnished single rooms, as well as communal areas (cafeteria, laundry, kitchen, computers, living room with TV, etc.). They are generally run by associations that offer personalized support and group workshops to help young workers enter the world of work.

According to FJT regulations, residents must sign an occupancy contract with the housing manager. This stipulates the conditions of accommodation and admission.

The maximum period of occupancy is 2 years, but it is possible to leave the residence earlier by submitting a letter of termination by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt.

How can I get accommodation in a young workers' hostel?

To be eligible for a place in an FJT, you must meet the following criteria:

  • be between 16 and 30 years of age;

  • have modest means;

  • be unemployed, employed or undergoing vocational training;

  • have valid identity papers.

  • Depending on the residence, some may accept :

  • single people or couples without children;

  • people with reduced mobility;

Once your application has been accepted, you'll need to pay the €50 registration and application fee. You will also need to pay a security deposit equivalent to one month's rent. This will be returned to you at the end of your rental period.

There is also a small charge of around €15 for the magnetic card.

How can I help pay for accommodation in a young workers' hostel?

Rent in a hostel for young workers in Paris can vary between €250 and €500 per month. That said, you may be eligible for housing assistance.

Depending on your current employment situation and resources, you may be eligible for certain schemes such as APL (Aide Personnalisée au Logement). This is a subsidy granted by the Caisse d'Allocations Familiales. It applies to stays of more than one month, and must be reviewed at least once a year.

If you are not entitled to APL, you can still benefit from Allocation de Logement à Caractère Social. There is also the Fonds de Solidarité pour le Logement (housing solidarity fund), which is reserved for those on the lowest incomes. Young apprentices in the private sector are also eligible for assistance from the Mobili-Jeune scheme.

Colonies: the new art of coliving for young workers

For young professionals with higher incomes, housing in major cities is now more accessible thanks to companies such as Colonies.

Active on the real estate market for several years now, Colonies not only offers a housing solution, but also a lifestyle straight out of the USA. The company offers young workers the advantages of a studio apartment combined with American-style condominium living.

To guarantee the comfort of tenants, the company ensures that they lack nothing. All studios have double beds, a bathroom, an office area, a kitchenette for the studios, storage space and even the necessary household products.

As is the case with young workers' hostels, the start-up has a modern, very spacious lounge/kitchen area, which can accommodate residents at any time of day.

Depending on the case, the condominium space can be a gym, a coworking space, a terrace, a laundry or a room for celebrating events.

For the moment, the young company is mainly present in the Paris region, but also in Lille, Marseille, Bordeaux and even Berlin! Colonies' ambition is to revolutionize the accommodation experience throughout Europe.

Whether you're a student, an intern or a young worker, Colonies accommodation is well worth a visit!

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