An affordable and stylish flat designed for shared living
The APL (Aides Personnalisées au Logement) is a financial aid issued by the CAF to help people in France with limited ressources to pay their rent.
We invite you to visit the official website: www.caf.fr to find out if you are eligible.

Discover our Flatshares in
How our spaces are designed

What's included?
Traditional rental
(not Colonies)
Private Flat
Extra equipment
(washing machine, coffee machine, etc.)
Water/electricity/gas included
Technical assistance for complex repairs
On-demand services
(extra cleaning, linen, etc.)
Extra facilities
(coworking, gym, etc.)

The “Aide Personnalisée au Logement” or APL is financial aid delivered by the “Caisse d’Allocations Familiales” (CAF) in order to help tenants to pay their rents in France.
Good news! All our apartments are eligible for APL.
Please note that the ALS/APL can only be applied for once the lease has started.
However, you can still do an initial simulation on the caf.fr website to find out if you are eligible.
Here are the criteria to be specified:
Postal code (“Code postal du logement concerné“) : You can find it in the Location tab of a residence’s page
Category (“Vous résidez en”) : Room / Chambre
Furnished (“Votre location est meublée”) : Yes / Oui
Your monthly rent incl. charges (“Part de votre loyer mensuel (charges comprises)“) : All prices displayed on our website include charges
If you’re eligible, you’ll be able to generate your CAF certificate directly from your tenant space once you’ve moved in, then make the request yourself on the caf.fr website.
Unfortunately we do not accept the Visale guarantee.
If you do not have a guarantor in France earning more than 3 times the amount of the rent, you can subscribe to an online guarantor with our partner SmartGarant.
Yes, domiciliation is possible and even mandatory if you plan to stay in Belgium for more than 3 months.
It’s your responsibility to register your address with the local authorities.
It’s totally possible to change rooms within the same accommodation, but also to move to another Colonies accommodation, or even to another city!
This works like a new reservation. You’ll need to pay a new security deposit, as well as switch fees:
Within the same apartment: €50 of switch fees
From one apartment to another: €150 switch fees (all products and countries combined)