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Renting a studio for young workers: some tips to make your life easier

When you're a student, it's important to formulate your wishes as quickly as possible, so as not to be caught off guard. Generally, the beginning of the year is a good time to start certain online procedures – notably a request for student mobility assistance. But how do you know if you're eligible for regional mobility assistance? What are the organizations you can turn to for essential information for your future career insertion? Let's address all these questions below.

Regional Mobility Assistance: Start Your Higher Education with Confidence!

You've just obtained your high school diploma? Congratulations! With this first step accomplished, you've most likely formulated several wishes to join higher education institutions across France in a few months. To fully succeed in your entry into a new university course, you'll likely need to move out of your region. This implies preparing for your new life by making requests for student mobility assistance early on. But what are the aids you can obtain, and from whom? How can you manage to find accommodation, ideally close to your campus and your new internship location?

As you know, a mandatory pre-registration on the national platform Parcoursup allows you to inquire about the higher education institutions that interest you. And it's not always an easy task! Indeed, there are nearly 19,500 higher education programs in France, including over 6,000 apprenticeship programs. However, this pre-registration subsequently allows you to obtain many aids and student allowances.

Focus on Student Mobility Assistance 2021

Among the schemes that should interest you, and that are renewed for the 2021-2022 session, is the Student Mobility Assistance 2021. This scheme provides that if you have expressed and validated the wish to study in another academic region in France, you can benefit from a financial boost of 500 euros. Note that this assistance is not automatic and operates on criteria of attribution. However, you can still hope to combine it with other scholarships and annual allowances to comfortably settle in your new region. Specific organizations can help you, such as the Commission for Access to Higher Education or CAES, and the Regional Center for University and School Works or CROUS.

Student Mobility Assistance in Apprenticeship: What to Expect?

With your bachelor's or master's degree in hand, you've chosen to enter the workforce? Here too, you need all the necessary help as a young worker to help you settle in and start your new life anywhere in France. Note that even though housing assistance, granted in 2021, is no longer accessible, you can still expect to receive many other annual allowances, whether you are an employee of the private sector or an apprentice.

For example, the "1 young person, 1 solution" scheme greatly facilitates your entry into working life. This financial aid encourages companies to hire you through an apprenticeship, by providing a hiring bonus to the employer. This bonus can reach up to 17,000 euros over 3 years in the case of a permanent contract, and up to 8,000 euros over 2 years for a fixed-term contract exceeding 6 months!

Assistance provided by CAF and APL

If you are hired on a permanent contract, and if your income is equal to or less than 78% of the net minimum wage, know that you are not left to fend for yourself! The CAF's Prime d'activité, paid according to eligibility criteria, will allow you to advantageously supplement your income. However, you will need to make a quarterly declaration of your resources, usually done on the CAF website. Additionally, depending on your situation, you may also be eligible for personal housing assistance (APL), calculated based on your income from the past 12 months and updated every quarter. If you are under 25, APL may be cumulative with the exceptional solidarity allowance equivalent to 150 euros.

Discover a Brand New Housing Program for Students and Young Professionals!

Finding decent housing is never easy when leaving your hometown. Many factors come into play, and it's often impossible to consider them all; Indeed, how to find peace while enjoying the benefits of community? To this, there is only one answer: join a unique and original community in France! The Colonies platform, perfect for young people with a master's student mobility assistance, connects people who have common interests and who are looking for the perfect roommate. The program is expanding across France and welcomes people of all ages eager to enjoy a large furnished space, with private spaces nearby.

The leaders of the Colonies real estate program are entrepreneurs who have experienced situations similar to those of today's students and young professionals: between the struggles to find housing, the daily difficulties, and the requests for regional mobility assistance, nothing is spared for future professionals. That's why it's important to offer them suitable housing, with all possible guarantees in terms of layout.

Are you interested in experiencing a new housing experience? Do you want to find a community that resembles you and that will allow you to calmly start your university journey? Then don't hesitate to check out the available offers in your region right now, via our 100% digital platform. Once you've toured the property, thanks to our 360° virtual tour, all you have to do is make an online reservation. The rest also happens online, for maximum simplification of your procedures: You can sign your lease online, as well as pay your rent. All that's left for you to do is enjoy the comfort of a private furnished bubble in a peaceful setting, and the common areas to join your roommates for an evening out with friends!

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→ Apply and sign your contract online
→ Pack your bags and move in stress-free

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